Will My Job Be Automated In The Future?

Will AI Take My Job In The Future?

Many industries are seeing a decline in human workers due to automation. Some experts predict machines will do most routine-based work in the future, regardless of the industry. If you work a repetitive job with minimal variance, chances are there is a technology that currently exists or being developed to perform the same role.

Will I be able to find a career in my field of study when I finish school? What career path should I take?

If you’ve recently watched or read about AI and job automation, then you’re probably asking yourself one of the questions above.

[click_to_tweet tweet= “Many traditional routine-based jobs will be obsolete sooner than you think because of the advancement of technology. I’m not just talking about blue-collar jobs. I’m also talking about professional jobs that require a degree.” quote= “Many traditional routine-based jobs will be obsolete sooner than you think because of the advancement of technology. I’m not just talking about blue-collar jobs. I’m also talking about professional jobs that require a degree.”]

Machines Can Now Think Better Than You  

There’s an ancient Chinese board game called GO. It was invented more than 4000 years ago. GO is kind of like a more complex version of chess. In chess, the number of possible moves is around 20 from the average position, and GO is about 200. The amount of possible moves in GO is more than the number of atoms in the universe. GO can take years for a player to master.

On March 9th, 2016, South Korean GO world champion Lee Sedol was defeated by Google’s artificial intelligence computer Alphago. Why is this a big deal! Google’s engineer’s predicted such a victory was still decades away. This is a significant moment in history!

Alphago taught itself using a technique called Deep learning to become a Grandmaster.  A person might take years to master a skill, AI can do it in a matter of days or weeks. The computer can competitively play against itself for weeks which can sometimes translate to be 30 years or more of human learning.

Machines Can Now Work Harder Than You 

Companies like Boston Dynamics are at the cutting edge of robotics. Building robots with fantastic speed, mobility, and agility. These robots can perform many basic and advance physical human tasks.

In popular culture the Jimmy Fallon show aired a clip of a Boston Dynamics robot getting pushed to the ground. The robot got back up each time to continue its task. No matter how many times it was pushed to the ground.

These robots don’t eat or rest! They carry on a repetitive task with unmatched precision. The ability of robotics has transcended the repetitive basic assembly line robots we know from the past. They are dynamic and now able to adjust their behavior in real-world scenarios.

A few years ago, I was in the market for a new vacuum. A friend of mine mentioned that the current robot vacuums are excellent. And not like the earlier models that use to bump around aimlessly, miss dirt and get stuck in awkward locations of the house. I was still a bit skeptical about how good they can be.

And if they can match the power of a human-operated upright vacuum. Also, I believed that a bigger vacuum meant a more powerful one. Being a tech enthusiast, I should have known better. Bigger doesn’t always mean better!

After watching and reading a bunch of reviews, I finally settled on the Neato Botvac. At a price point of $500.00, there was a bit of an internal debate with my frugal side. After a few months of using my robot vacuum, I pretty much eliminated sweeping from my life! Such a game-changer.

I still walk around my house from time to time looking for dirt on the floor. I’ve been sweeping floors for over 30 years of my life. It’s a strange feeling not having to sweep as often or at all. 

This made me really think! [click_to_tweet tweet= “For just $500, I eliminated an essential role most housekeepers do to earn a living. Mind-blowing right?” quote= “For just $500, I eliminated an essential role most housekeepers do to earn a living. Mind-blowing right?”]

Now, what if that robot could mop, do laundry and other house cleaning items. That can disrupt a whole industry and put millions of people out of work. Well just to let you know they have robots for sale and being developed that can take over some typical housework items.

This is a basic example of technology doing the jobs of a person! Many large industries are on the verge of automation. Some industries are more heavily regulated than others. Those Industries might see slower integration of automation because of health and safety concerns. Once companies can show improved data for health and safety. The argument for keeping artificial intelligence out of that specific industry will become a lot harder.

MGM Moves to Replace Bartenders With Machines. 

Are the days of interacting and making small talk with your preferred bartender over?

MGM and Planet Hollywood seem to be making the step towards automated bartending machines. 

Imagine going to the bar for a drink. You walk over, and you see a pair of robotic arms usually where a person would be standing serving drinks.  The arms are serving drinks at a consistent speed with every drink served at exact portions. You see the other patrons at the bar being entertained by the arms performing and shaking cocktails.

MGM says this technology enhances customer satisfaction by reducing wait times and help their employees deliver a better guest experience.  

Tipsy Robot has opened inside Miracle Mile Shops at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas. 

Unknowingly Training AI  

Have you ever went to a website or an app and was asked to complete a captcha where you had to

identify blocks of images or distorted text. You might have been asked to click on all the pictures of cars or type the characters you see. Captcha is not just a tool to help prevent account intrusion and spam. It’s also covertly training Artificial intelligence.

If your reading this it’s too late. Captcha is almost obsolete. AI is trained so well it now can tell whether you’re a human or bot without the use of Captcha. Thanks to all the many years of valuable data you and I provided.

[click_to_tweet tweet= “Day by day, the things we see robots do in science fiction movies are becoming a reality.” quote= “Day by day, the things we see robots do in science fiction movies are becoming a reality.” theme=” style1″]

When I talk to my friends and family about the new technology that exists today, they still give me a look of disbelief. Most of the time, I need to take out my phone and show them YouTube videos of robots backflipping and performing human tasks better than us.

I don’t want to scare anyone, but It’s time to wake up! I’m confused about why this is not a more significant issue for regular people. That’s why I’m taking the time to write this article, making people aware. I want people to arm themselves with knowledge and new skill sets.

[click_to_tweet tweet= “It’s not a matter of if AI will take over your industry, it’s a matter of when AI will take over your industry.” quote= “It’s not a matter of if AI will take over your industry, it’s a matter of when AI will take over your industry.”]

So when AI enters your industry, you will be ready to pivot with minimal disruption to your lifestyle. A better preemptive strike would be creating multiple streams of income for yourself. Even better if it’s “passive” streams of income.

Don’t take my word for it. A quick google search should provide you with enough information to back up what I’m saying. People like billionaire tech mogul Elon Musk has spoken about it on multiple occasions. You know Elon, the CEO, and co-founder of Tesla Motors and SpaceX.

One of the reasons I decided to create Nojoblem is because of the shift in the job market due to AI. Me having a few daily conversations a month is not enough to get the word out.

So I needed a tool to create awareness on a mass scale. Blogging seemed like the best tool for that. The truth is that I’m a horrible writer!

I said to myself that I don’t want my insecurities of lousy writing to stop my message from reaching many people.

Is Universal Basic Income (UBI) The answer to AI

The government in the US and Canada are aware of the effects automation will have on the public. One big topic the government has been discussing the past few years is universal basic income.

You might be asking yourself what universal basic income is? Just like the title suggests it’s a basic income everyone will receive. 

The international monetary fund defines universal basic income as payments made to a large population with minimal or no strings attached.

It works a bit differently from your average social assistance. With universal basic income, everyone receives income regardless of financial status.  

There is a growing gap between rich and poor. That’s one of the reasons why universal basic income is a hot topic right now. Here’s a chart below illustrates the wealth gap in America.  

Andrew Yang is an American democrat that will be a 2020 presidential candidate.

Universal basic income, also known as the freedom dividend is one of his running platforms.

Mr. Yang is proposing to declare and dividend of $1,000 a month for every American adult starting at age eighteen.

The talks of a Universal basic income is nothing new in the US. Back in 1967, Martin Luther King, Jr. talked about starting a program called the guaranteed minimum income a year before he died.

Even further back in the 1770s Founding Fathers of the United States Thomas Paine and Thomas Spence, we’re among the first two to advocate the payment of a basic income as a right to all citizens according to J. E. King and John Marangos in the History of Economic Ideas.

Andrew Yang goes in-depth in his book “The War on Normal People: The Truth About America’s Disappearing Jobs and Why Universal Basic Income Is Our Future.” He addresses a lot of people’s concerns about a universal basic income.

I’m pretty sure it will be quite an uphill battle for the people that are in favor of a Universal Basic Income.

I think there will be endless debating from opposing parties. Based on the concern that a universal basic income is free money, and it will make people lazier in the long run. Do you think this is the case?

I usually stay far away from talking about politics. But the threat of massive job losses is a real and worldwide economic issue. Pandora’s box is open, and there’s no going back! Technology will only get better and better.

Make Money Work For You 

We all have to change the way we think about work and earning a living.

The work to live philosophy has been ingrained in most of us from birth. Growing up, I would witness my parents get up at 6 am, make breakfast, get themselves ready then go to work. This was a daily routine that didn’t leave them much time to enjoy life.

The weekends were jam-packed with to-dos. Fast forward 20 years, my parents are close to retirement age but still are trapped in the same cycle. What if you can make your money do the heavy lifting? 

Creating a “passive business” creates wealth and allows you to have more time for yourself. I like to be careful using the term “passive business.” 

there will be on-going items in your business that only you can do until you can create a sound system that can run by itself. No matter how many times you step away. A true passive business has a strong system in place. 

When you assign people roles in your business, you don’t want them contacting you for every little issue. You want to have all the answers to their questions documented so they can refer to it. If you are always recreating the wheel, you’re not building a truly passive business. You’re creating another job for yourself. 

The philosophy of making money work for you might be a bit strange.

Most of us grew up on the classic tail of go to school, get an education, then get a job. Work 40 hours a week, have the weekends off and health benefits. This also comes with a sense of job security. This is not a scare tactic. It’s a wake-up call!

I think a lot of people see the writing on the wall when it comes to job security. But most are completely in the dark and fall for the lure of job security. A good education helps, but won’t save you from the advancement of technology and job automation. 

People Are Finding Ways To Make Money Regardless of  AI  

There are many ways to make money besides the traditional 9 to 5. I’ve had some success with my offline businesses for many years. Now I want to focus on growing my online business. 

A few benefits to having an online business. 

  • A borderless environment with the ability to reach a massive amount of people anywhere in the world.  
  • Minimal resources and less money than it would take running an offline business. 

For now, I will like to focus on making money with blogging. One thing I love about blogging is you don’t need to be an expert on the subject you’re blogging about. You just need to have an interest in It.

Or even better be passionate about it. When you’re passionate about something you love doing it and talking about It makes the experience effortless. And you’re able to repeat format over and over again. 

Being new to a specific subject gives you an advantage. You can provide a unique perspective on the topic from a beginners point of view.

Some experts might not take their reader’s skill level into account. They might teach “D E F” because they assume that you already know “A B C.”  

A reason why people would listen to someone new is that they’re looking for someone who they can relate to and they’re looking not to feel alone.

Essentially so they want to know that there are other people out there who are like them. You can provide a unique, beginners perspective. 

If you’re interested in finding some alternative ways of making money online by blogging, check out this article.