How I Improved My Blog Writing and Confidence By Using Grammarly

Is paying for Grammarly worth it?

Grammarly is a tool which assists you in your writing. It is used by writers, students, and bloggers, which helps you write better. It checks for grammatical errors, spellings, and more. It is free to use, for basic things, and they also have a paid version, which checks for more things, such as plagiarism and they have a proofreading option.

I’m here today to share with you why I decided to use the paid version of the app. Using the paid version of this app has given me the confidence to write more often, share my thoughts, and most importantly launch my blog.

Let’s get into the details of how Grammarly helps me do this, and why it could also be for you.

I produce more content when I use Grammerly  

You may think I’m exaggerating, but, I am not. I have wanted to write for many years now, but I didn’t start until just a month ago, because I didn’t think my articles would be good enough to share with anyone.

I’ve always been opinionated, and shared my thoughts, for the most part, I’d like to believe that my family and friends have listened to me.

I’d share my reviews and opinions on products, services, what to do, and how to’s with them, and many of them have taken my advice. I always thought that I would one day be able to share these same thoughts to more people via the internet.

I never had the confidence to write anything, until I heard about Grammarly and then decided to try out the free version.

The free version is good, but it still didn’t get me writing.

It wasn’t until I decided to pay for the one month version that I got the momentum going on writing more frequently.

I just started writing whatever was on my mind, and a shift happened, things just started to flow. I had no idea where it came from, but I just kept writing.

It took me a while to realize the correlation to when I paid for Grammarly and when I started writing. And that’s why I realized I had to share this experience with you.

When I decided to start my blog, for a whole month, I was staring at the computer screen. Maybe I wrote a sentence in an entire week. It really crippled me, and the doubts started coming in again. If it’s taking me a whole week to write a sentence, it will be years before I ever launch my blog.

What Grammarly did, was to allow me just to write, and it was like I had my own editor because I just wrote and trusted that Grammarly would help me out.

I was never a good speller and was definitely not confident in my grammar and structure of writing an article.

Grammerly saves me time

As I mentioned, it took me years before starting my blog. How it saved me time, was because I just wrote, I didn’t worry every single moment if the sentence made sense, if I spelled correctly, if I used the correct word. I just simpled had a tool to help me with that.

I would stare at a blank screen for hours, days, and months. And now, I open my laptop and start writing. I write my thoughts and allow the words to flow out of me.

I feel like a super writer with Grammerly 

I had a sense of freedom when I started using Grammarly. I felt free to write and share my opinions.

I started to feel excited about my blog again.

Since my attitude has changed, I managed to launch my blog within a month.

It was such a surreal feeling. After years of wanting to do this, and feeling stressed, un-excited, and worried about how I was going ever create this blog. It happened within a month of me installing Grammarly.

Now, with this confidence, I enjoy building my blog site and sharing my blog .with others. I now finally have the platform to share with people like you.

My hope in writing this today is to inspire others who have been dragging their feet on starting their blog, because of worry that they are not good enough at writing.

It’s easy to edit with Grammerly

One of the many things that haunted me was the idea of going through my articles and having to read it, and not knowing if my sentences were good enough for someone else to read.

I did not look forward to reading anything I wrote before. It would take me very long to get the courage to look at it again.

But, now since Grammarly it points out the errors, it guides me into what I need to fix, and I can make those fixes.

It sounds crazy, but, I like seeing those errors appear, and I can’t wait to fix it. It also keeps count of the number of mistakes I have, and I enjoy watching the numbers get lower as I adjust the errors I made.

I guess it gives me rewards in some way by seeing the errors lesson and seeing my writer score go up like a video game.

Grammerly helped me becoming a better writer 

I didn’t go to school for writing, nor am I an English major. I didn’t think that I was a natural writer, so one of my fears was that I didn’t want to say I was a blogger, or writer because I felt like a fraud.

One of the cool things about Grammarly is that it tells you your mistake and it gives you mini-lessons.

As you are making your corrections, you are learning as you go along.

I play a little game with Grammarly now. I try to take the things that I have learned, and when I get Grammarly to check my article, I check to see if I minimize those mistakes and see if I’ve learned things.

It’s almost like you’re also paying for grammar school with your subscription.

I have become more efficient in my writing.

Grammarly’s plagiarism feature

One of the coolest features that Grammarly has is the Plagiarism check. We all do research on the internet, and sometimes we may repeat what we have read without even realizing.

Here is where your paid subscription takes things up a notch.

Grammarly does a web search and checks all the billions of websites out there to see if there is anything that you’ve written, written somewhere else.

Don’t tell me you don’t’ think that is just not the coolest thing.

This feature is something that also gives me the courage to publish my work — knowing that it is mine, all mine, and not something I took from someone else.

When you were in school, plagiarizing gave you a terrible grade, and it is hard to summarize what other people have written sometimes.

Some people might not have the time or desire to produce content. So they might hire an online freelance writer to produce original content. The plagiarism feature is a great way to see if the freelance writer took any of the content from another website.

Grammerly integrates into most ecosystems 

Being a busy business type, I am constantly writing emails and replies. I used to take so much time writing emails because I wanted to come off professional and knowledgeable.

Now with Grammarly, I am confident in my emails and spend less time writing and reviewing them. I no longer second guess what I wrote, and I’m able to send it out feeling confident.

Grammarly has an extension for most popular web browsers, which is cool because anything you type online, the little green floating G symbol is there waiting to be pushed to check for errors.

You can highlight any words in your browser to get a quick definition

Grammarly also has an integrated Microsoft Word plugin.

Is it worth it?

I would say 100% yes, well for me at least. If you are someone who wants to write better and are concern about your writing skills, then I highly recommend Grammarly.

I especially recommend it if you want to start Blogging. Yes, I know that there is a cost, and some people may just be dabbling in starting a blog. But, it was a game-changer for me. My doubts about creating my blog melted away, in just a few days.

When I wrote my first article, just a few paragraphs in, I had the Grammarly app running, and it just clicked for me.

If you’re just starting out, I suggest using the one month paid version immediately. Test it out for yourself and see if it’s something for you.

Also, when you’re starting as a blogger, you don’t always want t hire an editor right away. The cost of Grammarly is much less than having to pay someone else to review your article.

Cost of Grammarly premium

Grammarly’s has three price points:

$29.95 USD Billed Monthly

$59.95 USD Billed Quarterly

$139.95 USD Billed Yearly

They also charge additional for the proofreading service based on how many words in your document.


I know that you can use the spell checker on your Microsoft Word, or google docs, and it could be good enough in checking your spelling.

Based on my experience, Grammarly is a powerful tool. It’s so close to having your own personal editor, who guides you through errors in your article.

It also ensures that your words are your own and don’t belong to anyone else.

Grammarly is worth every penny, and I highly recommend it to anyone who is entering the blogging world.

What’s your thought on it, are you willing to give the paid version of Grammarly a try?